The future belongs to the founders

Learn to build apps and become a Founder (Without spending 4 years & $43,799 on a degree)

Implement my proprietary Founders Club Framework to build and launch apps in 3 weeks, by yourself, for close to 0 dollars – even if you don’t know how to code, what to build or where to start!

Achieve financial freedom

No coding knowledge required

No prior app building experience required

Includes marketing and sales lessons

“Pramod's background as a non-technical business person helps him teach the class in ways that makes any one understand the concept, the opportunity and build apps better.”

Vivek falod

Founder, Hippo

THE world is changing

You are replaceable

What are you going to do about it?

62% of labor jobs will be phased out in the next 10 years. This is including jobs that require a high-skill level.

This isn’t anything new, we are seeing it happen right before our eyes. Every quarter we hear of layoffs and companies downsizing.


Because today we have technologies that makes one person capable of doing the work of 10 people.

I used these new technologies to build and launch 2 apps in 2 months. ( and No product managers

– No program managers
– No UI designers
– No developers
– No VC funding
– No spending
– No coding

The future of work doesn’t need you – Here’s what you can do about it.

But before I waste anymore of your time with my doomsday speculations, let’s see if you should continue reading.

If you do not relate with one of the bullets below, you’re free to leave the page:

▸ You want to achieve financial freedom, but don’t know the best/right way to achieve it.

▸ You know that SaaS is the most profitable way to become rich, but you don’t know to code or where to start.

▸ You’re trying to learn a future proof skill so you can become irreplaceable.

▸ You want to build something that will make people sit up and take notice of you.

▸ You’re ready to stop building other people’s dreams and build your own.

▸ You want to stop feeling like an imposter at work.

▸ You want to spend more time with your family.

▸ You want to secure your family’s future in an uncertain future of work.

I could go on, but by now you should know whether or not learning to build apps and become a founder is worth it to you.

“ I didn't just learn to build apps, I learned how to build a business and become a founder! ”

Deepak Panda

Now you can build apps too - even if you don't know to code

Learn the most profitable skill in the world

8 of the top 10 richest people in the world have this skill.

Hey, I'm Pramod George

I’m the founder of and I have 13 years of experience building software for fortune 5 companies. SAAS companies consult me when they want to build effective and profitable products in lean ways. When I’m not doing that – I teach non-technical folks how to build and launch apps so they can become founders, change their lives and secure their futures. 

I started out just like everyone else.

I wanted to build apps, but I didn’t know how to code or where to start.

I believed that – to build profitable apps, you needed a great idea, technical skills, a large team and a big budget.

But in 2023, AI and Visual development tools (low code) entered the market. 

This allowed a non-coder like me to also build and launch apps in 30 days or less. 

I built 2 complex tools ( and in crowded markets and turned a profit. 

These were the results of building these 2 products.

– I quit my boring corporate job.

– I do what excites me and wake up excited everyday.

– I started earning a huge monthly passive income.

– I take vacations whenever I want.

– I get invited to speak at events.

– People want what I have.

“ This course helped me overcome my fear of the technical side of app building! ”

Anushk Shukla

the secret that not a lot of people realise

Low code tools and AI are going to change the world!

Generation 2 of low code tools is simply a visual layer on top of famous programming languages like Flutter or React. 

Low code tools allow you to edit the code, own it and export it – solving the problems of vendor lock in, scalability, customization, and maintainability.

No downside, only infinite upsides. I should know. I have 13 years of experience building products.

The best time to join this wave was 1 year ago, the next best time is today.

How the program works!

What do you get when you sign up?

After you sign up, you will be guided personally by Pramod on a 30 day journey helping you build and launch apps. You will get a day by day agenda guiding you. All you need to do is show up with excited to learn something new.

“ The most exhilarating experience ever! ”

Siddharth Arugula, PM Germany

How the program works!

What do you get when you sign up?

When you sign up, you will first get access to all the training videos of The Founders Club. 

This will allow you to learn at your own pace.

These videos will teach you about

  1. The best low-code tools in the market.
  2. How to build apps using these tools.
  3. How to build your personal brand.
  4. Positioning and marketing your app.

On your third day, you’ll be invited to join a private whatsapp group where
you can ask questions, get development support and meet other ambitious founders.

You will also be given access to Pramod’s personal calendar so you can set up a meeting with Pramod (upto twice a week) and get personalised coaching, feedback and training.

the best business model and skill to know

7 of the top 10 richest people have this skill

and now it’s possible for even non-technical people to learn this skill

Hey, I'm Pramod George

I’m the founder of and Software companies consult me when they want to build effective and profitable products in lean ways. I also teach non-technical folks how to build and launch apps so they can change their lives and secure their futures. 

I stared out just like everyone else.

I wanted to build apps, but I didn’t know how to code or where to start.

I believed that – to build profitable apps, you needed a great idea, technical skills, a large team and a big budget.

In time, I realised these WERE ALL LIES.

I built 2 simple tools in a crowded market and still managed to make money.

The rich and powerful don’t want you and me to know the truth about how simple and EASY it has become to build and launch SAAS.

Building, launching and succeeding with apps is easy once you understand these 3 secrets!

Secret #1: SAAS is not about tech

Why did facebook buy Instagram? Couldn’t they have made their own app?

Why did facebook buy Whatsapp? Couldn’t they have rebranded Messenger?

Why did Elon Musk buy Twitter for $44B? Couldn’t he have created an competitor?

They were bought for their customers.

Facebook and Elon didn’t care about which coding language Instagram, whatsapp or Twitter was built on. Guess who else doesn’t care – your customers.

What mattered was the people. Yet, even today, I see founders debate about the infrastructure and never getting started. 

Today you can build a great apps using any language. 

My favorite combination is Flutter and Postgress.

I build my apps using Flutterflow, a low code tool that forces me to focus on the outcome (delightful solution) and not the infrastructure and languages.

What matters is the people. So stop procrastinating about the tech. Only idiots spend 3 months trying to figure out the “best” tech for the product.

The really profitable founders focus on the customers.

So remember, if you don’t know about tech – thank the Lord, it’s a blessing in disguise. Stop worrying and focus on value delivery.

Got it? Let’s move on!

Secret #2: Success in SAAS has nothing to do with the IDEA

Many founders thing


Why did facebook buy Instagram? Couldn’t they have made their own app?

Why did facebook buy Whatsapp? Couldn’t they have rebranded Messenger?

Why did Elon Musk buy Twitter for $44B? Couldn’t he have created an competitor?

They were bought for their customers.

Facebook and Elon didn’t care about which coding language Instagram, whatsapp or Twitter was built on. Guess who else doesn’t care – your customers.

What mattered was the people.

SaaS is not about tech – it’s about people, their problems and the delightful solution (your app).

Today you can build a great app using any language. My favourite combination is Flutter and Postgress.

I build my apps using Flutterflow, a low code tool that forces me to focus on the outcome (delightful solution) and not the infrastructure and languages.

What matters is the people.

Got it? Let’s move on!

Skip the risks!
Get to the success!

Here’s how The Founders Club solves the 3 risks of building SaaS – so you can succeed faster!

Time Risks

Traditional software development used to take between 8 to 12 months but in The Founders Club you will learn to build and launch apps in 3 to 4 weeks. Remember, time is money. The more time you save the more money you save as well.

Money Risks

Traditional software development costs between $10K - $25K USD for building just the MVP. Then maintainence and feature upgrades can cost you between $5k - $10K/ month. The Founders Club will teach you how to build, launch and maintain full apps (not just MVPs) for close to $0.

Viability Risks

I will teach you how to sell, before you build. After people pay, you can build and launch in 3-4 weeks. We couldn't do this before because development used to take 8 to 12 months, and people won't wait that long. But now we can build in 3 to 4 weeks. This way you can be sure you don't build products that people don't need.

join the success

Don’t just take our word for it

grow your network

Meet professionals from the most prestigious institutions

What happens when you don't join The Founders Club?

Dependance On Others

You will continue to be dependent on technical people to help you build a business. Without knowing how software is built, you may also be at risk of being cheated.

Wasted Time and Effort

Struggling to learn everything on your own can take forever. You'll be stuck piecing together information from unreliable sources, wasting precious time that could be spent building your product and growing rich.

Subpar Product Launch

Without proper training, you risk launching a buggy, unoptimized SAAS. This frustrates early users and makes attracting paying customers an uphill battle.

Missed Market Opportunities

The SAAS market moves fast. A slow launch due to lack of knowledge means you miss out on capitalizing on current trends and early adopter enthusiasm.

Increased Stress and Anxiety

The ongoing stress and anxiety from not achieving financial goals and independence can take a toll on mental health and overall well-being.

No Personal Growth

Success is something you attract by who you become. By not joining TFC, you're missing out on the personal development and confidence that comes from learning new skills, overcoming challenges, building a successful business and attracting amazing opportunities.

Got questions? I've got answers!

Objections and Frequently Asked Questions

This program was designed for non-technical folks. I come from a non-technical background and still built 2 apps in 2 months. The only required qualification for the program is ambition. Everything else can be learned.

Low-code tools will cost you 0$ for your first 10000 customers. After that it will cost you between $25-$75/ month.

This is actually a good thing. Many people fall in love with their idea and become overconfident of their chances. Yet when they go to market, they fail spectacularly. You on the other hand, sound cautious. Here’s what you should do. Build your idea in 2 weeks and put it out there and see what the market says. Confidence about your ability is something that’s gained by doing something many times. With us, you’ll gain the momentum you need to learn, publish and iterate quickly many times at scale.

The Founders Club program is a proven program that has already delivered production apps, and we guarantee the strength of our processes.

Becoming a founder is a lonely and tiring journey. We understand this. That is why we have a community, daily lessons and accountability to help you achieve your goals. With us you have a team that’s invested in your success. When you win – we win.

Learning to build an app is a universal skill. You can use it to build apps for yourself, or become a smarter employee at work. Low code is the future – everyone who has ridden a future wave has become rich.

Yes, if you use the wrong tools. However, In The Founders Club, we only work with and teach low code tools that let you own the code for your apps, so you can take your code where ever you like if you don’t like the terms of service of your current host. I believe it’s important to own what you build, so you don’t have to start from scratch (lose your work) if you want to change platforms.

Low code tools are only a layer on top of traditional programming languages and is always scalable. Just open the hood and customise it as you wish.

Low code is just a visual layer on top of of traditional coding programs. It makes development faster, easier and cleaner. This is why it is here to stay. Large enterprises are already hiring low-code developers. Microsoft’s entire power apps series of solutions is betting on low code. Welcome to the future.

Low code tools are built on top of Leading solutions like Google cloud, Firebase, Supabase etc. These platforms natively integrate application, infrastructure, and privacy controls to ensure that apps are protected from most web security risks and mobile threats.

Got more questions?
Send me a DM on Linkedin, Instagram or Twitter or send me an email at