The Software Hierarchy of Needs: The secret to building SaaS the right way!

Building great software that people love to talk about and share organically is hard. How do you prioritise the right features? But what if there was a framework to help you? For the last 13 years, I’ve closely observed how people use software and I discovered a pattern that beautifully represents how users evaluate and […]

The 3 Pillars Of Personal Branding – The CAN Framework

We live in an online first world and whether you know it or not — You have a personal brand. If I search for you online and I don’t find any information about you — that’s your personal brand. If I find your Linkedin profile and it’s abandoned — that’s your personal brand. Whether you’re an […]

The 2 most important metrics in any business.

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There are two important business metrics, that if you understood how to improve, you would never have to worry about money or growth again. Since 2015, I’ve helped build close to 12 businesses. Every founder that got these 2 metrics right succeeded and those who got it wrong failed. The first metric is Customer Acquisition […]

4 Ways Building A Magnetic Authority Helped My Business!

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Being an entrepreneur is hard. Not only do you need to build great products and solutions, but you also need to be able to sell them. I’ve experienced firsthand the struggles and triumphs that come with building a business from the ground up. But amidst the chaos and constant hustle, I discovered a game-changer—a secret […]